Netherlandish Infantry

Dated: February 20, 1999.

Today, we have conversions from the youngest contributor ever, Mr. Justin Boggess. His contribution is produced verbatim below (please note the unbridled enthusiasm).

All right, I have four pictures of Netherlands infantry conversions (1815), and descriptions. Here they are: First the descriptions,

Picture 1: Dutch Militia: This is a private of the 5th Militia battalion, Bijilandt's brigade. First I used a Esci british line infantry man. Then I cut off the front of the cap, and placed a plume from a Esci cuirassier on top. Then it is basically a painting conversion. The cuffs are orange. On the actual shakos there was a silver sunburst plate on the front with a crowned 'W'. The 5th Militia went into battle with 482 men, and lost 314 men after both Quatre Bras and Waterloo.



Picture 2: Belgian Line: This is a private of the 7th Line (Belgian Line), Bijilandt's brigade. This is a painting conversion from Esci British line infantry man. Note the plume on the shako is red over white, and notice the white facings. The 7th line lost 302 men out of 701.




Picture 3: Dutch Jager: This is a jager of the 27th (Dutch) of Bijilandt's brigade. This conversion is based on Mr. D'Arcy's earlier conversion. I chopped off the front of the shako and took a plume from an Esci cuirassier and placed it on the front. Notice the plume color of yellow over green. This represents the light company. The carabinier company had red over green, and the center companies plain green. The musicians had red plumes. The 27th Jagers went into Quatre Bras and Waterloo with 809 men and lost 348 men total.



Picture 4. Dutch Jager: This is a hornist of the 27th Dutch Jagers. I have to give credit to Mr. D'Arcy on this one. Notice the yellow swallow's nests and red plume. I used a Esci cuirassier plume. I found that if I used the cuirassier plumes, they are easier to work with, and stand out more, although I don't think they are to scale.




Picture number 5: Dutch Militia Ensign: This is a figure of the Dutch 5th Militia. He is a Esci british line ensign with the top of the shako cut off and a Esci cuirassier plume added. He will be holding the flag seen below. The flag is from a Revell Prussian ensign, after cutting the flag from the soldier, well, I guess I could use him as a wounded trooper. :) The grey spot on the flag is where his hand will be.
NOTE: After I already made this conversion, I just found out from my friends in the Netherlands the Netherlandish infantry in 1815 carried NO flags into battle. Any ways, I'll keep this figure as it identifies the figures as Dutch, and not somebody else. One more thing, the plume on the Dutch ensign fell off, well I guess I could say it got cut off by a frenchman during the heat of battle! :)

Pictures 6-7 are the flag front and back.
Many thanks to Mr. Boggess for his conversions, they look very good indeed.

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